Claims Communication with Zelis.

It’s critical for your members to understand their healthcare benefits and their healthcare responsibilities, and for your providers to understand how benefits were applied and paid.

Dive Deeper

Turn routine communications into meaningful touchpoints.

Communications are a key component to a modern and positive healthcare financial experience, for providers and members.

With Zelis on your side, you’ll move from transactional to episodic claim communications, consolidating mailings and bringing clarity to the billing process.

Features and Benefits

Streamline communications into an Episodic EOB®

Give members a better understanding of their plan information, including deductibles, co-pays, and requirements in a single source of truth portal.

Empower your members to be better prepared for their out-of-pocket financial responsibility with accurate cost estimates.

Reach your members and providers anytime and anywhere with multi-modal delivery methods including digital and print.

Take EOBs a step further in alignment with the No Surprises Act, delivering Advanced EOBs for out-of-network services when appointments are made or members request cost estimates.

Enable clear and accurate remittance advice with EOPs that can be delivered through multiple channels.

By the Numbers

Leading the way forward.


of consumers place high value on health plan communications


of consumers are confused by EOBs and medical bills


of patients had a negative experience due to billing confusion

Case Study

A Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan reduced operational costs by $1.2M.

A Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan reduced operational costs by $1.2M and increased electronic delivery of communications with Zelis, achieving 40% more electronic adoption after previously plateauing in shifting from paper payments to e-payments.

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