Listen as Rousseau Kluever, Director of Product, Healthcare Guidance, at Zelis, shares strategies for meaningful member engagement. Missed part 1 of the podcast? Listen here. 

Meaningful member engagement can simplify healthcare complexities and empower individuals on their healthcare journey. But how can health plans actually put this into practice? Rousseau Kluever, Director of Product, Healthcare Guidance, at Zelis sat down with Lucas Hunsicker of Future Healthcare Today to share strategies for success.

Below are some of his recommendations:

1. Personalized communication channels

An effective omnichannel strategy involves using various communication methods — such as push notifications, phone calls or emails — tailored to individual preferences. This personalized approach makes it more likely that members will engage because the communication is in a form they are most comfortable with. 

2. Consent-based outreach

Respecting member privacy and consent is crucial. Health plans should always be mindful of consent levels to both ensure they adhere to all privacy laws and that they don’t overstep boundaries. This not only builds trust but also increases the likelihood of member engagement.

3. Strategic campaign design

Thoughtful campaign design is essential in an omnichannel strategy. For instance, aligning campaigns with relevant events or awareness months, like Breast Cancer Awareness Month, can significantly drive member engagement. This strategic alignment ensures that the campaigns are timely and more likely to resonate with members.

4. Incentivization

Incentives are a powerful tool to motivate members to act. Offering rewards to non-compliant members, such as digital gift cards for health-related actions — like getting a flu shot — can encourage participation. The immediacy of digital rewards adds to the appeal, providing instant gratification for a member’s participation. 

5. Integrated member services

An omnichannel approach isn’t just about digital products; it also involves direct member services like concierge teams. These teams play a vital role in guiding members through complex healthcare processes, providing a human touch that can greatly enhance the member experience and engagement.

6. Monitoring and adaptation

Once a campaign is launched, monitoring its effectiveness across different channels is crucial. An ongoing evaluation allows for adjustments and improvements, ensuring the omnichannel strategy remains effective at engaging members.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can create a more engaging, responsive and member-centric approach. An effective omnichannel strategy not only meets members where they are but also supports them in moving towards their healthcare goals, thereby enhancing overall engagement and satisfaction.

The good news? Zelis has solutions that can help with member engagement. Discover more about those solutions here.